Toscano Apartments Availables Condos for Rent

Below you will find all avaiable condos that are currently for Rent at Toscano Apartments. If are looking for a Sales at Toscano Apartments.

When it comes to Renting a Condo at Toscano Apartments there are many factors that determine the price of each individual condo unit. Some Units are rented fully furnished while others just offer the clean space for you to move in. Toscano Apartments has a pet policy regarding pets and that they must not be more than 50 lbs. The individual owner of each unit determine if he or she will allow a pet in to their unit and if a pet deposit is required as well.

Amenities Included on Rentals

Toscano Apartments Amenities

1 Bedroom Rentals

Tower Unit # Price Bed Bath
South 309S $2,400 1 1 1 month 3rd
North 516N $2,500 1 1 Pets Allowed 1 month 5th
North 724N $2,500 1 1 Pets Allowed 3 months 7th
Last updated Today

2 Bedroom Rentals

Tower Unit # Price Bed Bath
North 618N $3,100 2 2 Pets Allowed 1 day 6th
North 623N $3,150 2 2 Pets Allowed 2 months 6th
South 302S $3,200 2 2 1 week 3rd
South 2011S $3,500 2 2 4 weeks 20th
Last updated Today